The Parts of the Body that Stink - Kingston Launch
Kingston University Town House : Courtyard
March Tuesday 26th 2024
7pm start - Free Entry

Penrhyn Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EQ.
(The Courtyard space is located in the Town House building, beneath the main library, behind the main reception desk)
Book available here and more info
For the full tour with readings in London and Bristol theenemiesproject/stinktour

With readings and performances by SJ Fowler, Julia Rose Lewis, Laura Davis, Patrick Cosgrove, Martin Wakefield, Mischa Foster Poole and many more to be announced.

This launch of SJ Fowler’s strange new poetry collection - The Parts of the Body that Stink - comprised of five long poems exploring scent and stink and smells, sees over a dozen poets, writers and artists celebrate that theme or their works with brilliant Bristol-based press, Hesterglock, founded by Paul Hawkins. Including students of Kingston University and local writers, this event will see readings and art performances, perfume and anti-perfume, text and textiles, visual poetry and sound poetry - a launch as eccentric and entertaining as the book it throws into the world.

“The thing that stinks the most … is you! Or this book. Who cares? That’s not what this is about at all. You stink, I stink, everything worthwhile stinks. Smell it while you can. This is an eccentric poetry book by most standards, divided into five chapters, each a long poem. Nose, pits, feet, anas, genitae. All about how we smell and what that might worry in us. For example, let’s not get obsessed with what we’ll smell of in the grave! After all, you smell right now. Let’s just read, and for one day, not give ourselves a scrubbing.” and