Japanese UK Poetry Exchange presents…
The Tokyo Camarade 2025
April Thurs day 17th at Aoyama Gakuin University
6pm start and Free Entry
Aoyama Gakuin University, Aoyama Campus - Building 2, Room 238
会場:青山学院大学 青山キャンパス - 2号館 238室 キャンパスマップ
Aoyama Campus | Aoyama Gakuin University
The Camarade collaborative poetry event returns to Tokyo for the third year running! New literary poetry and performance collaborations, made for the night, will be presented poets in pairs. Featuring:
Kei Okamoto and Corey Wakeling
Sato Ayaka and Philip Rowland
Hiro Koiso and Colin Herd
Satomi Tanaka and SJ Fowler
Miho Yamazaki and Marcos Fernandes
Hiyori Kojima and Silje Ree
Curated by Corey Wakeling, SJ Fowler and Colin Herd. Supported by Aoyama Gakuin University.
Japanese UK Poetry Exchange : Tokyo Camarade
April Sunday 7th 2024 at Hazuki Hall
hazukihh.com 2-30-19 Zenpukuji, Suginami-ku, Tokyo-to / 2024年JUPE 日英詩の交流イベント: Tokyo Camarade / 2024年4月7日 / @葉月ホールハウス/HAZUKI HALL HOUSE / 詩人ペアによる朗読と、詩とパフォーマンスの融合。/ 出演者
with 大崎清夏 x 小磯洋光 / Colin Herd x 吉田恭子 / 田中さとみ x Corey Wakeling Silje Ree x Priya Kahlon/ ミヤ x 寳玉義彦 x SJ Fowler / 中村剛彦 x コオリヒロノブ x 八潮れん x 加納伊都 x Marcos Fernandes x Temmetsu / +追加出演者発表予定 - New collaborations made for the night. Poets in pairs. Performance and literary poetry. Featuring Sayaka Osaki and Hiromitsu Koiso / Kyoko Yoshida and Colin Herd / fukudapero and Bard Torgersen / Corey Wakeling and Satomi Tanaka / Silje Ree and Priya Kahlon / Miya, Yoshi Hogyaku and SJ Fowler / Takehiko Nakamura, Hironobu Koori, Ren Yashio, Ito Kano, Marcos Fernandes, Temmetsu