Worm Wood : an exhibition at Kensal Green Cemetery The Dissenter's Gallery
by Tereza Stehlíková and SJ Fowler - August 3rd to September 3rd

391 Ladbroke Grove. London W10 5AA. Entrance via Cemetery door on Ladbroke Grove or Main Gate during opening hours www.kensalgreen.co.uk/documents/KG_gallery.html 

An exhibition of found objects, artefacts and new collaborations from Czech moving image artist Tereza Stehlikova and writer SJ Fowler which explores the historic, hidden and idiosyncratic in Kensal Green Cemetery, and its connection to disppeared and ever disappearing London.

The exhibition is one of many facets of Worm Wood, a collaboration between the artists begun in 2015 and planned as ongoing with the area’s development. Worm Wood has included a summer long residency at Kensal Green Cemetery Dissenter's Chapel, multiple events, a film and publications.

About Worm Wood

Another historic piece of London on the precipice of development disappearance, Worm Wood explores the environment of West London around Kensal Green Cemetery and wormwood scrubs, about to be swallowed up by the old oak development, hs2 and crossrail. Tereza Stehlikova and SJ Fowler combine experimental documentary films and poetry, to capture the hidden corners of industrial and post industrial London, their homes, which will, in under a decade, no longer exist. Reflecting on the waterways of the grand union canal to one of London magnificent seven cemeteries, from Harrow Road to Scrubs Lane the exhibition will also feature new found sculptures, text art and a poetry publication by Sampson Low.

Located in the beautiful and unique Chapel, restored to its Victoria glory as well as in dedicated gallery space and the cemetery catacombs beneath, the exhibition will evolve in its character and works as the exhibition becomes a residence as the summer passes. Accompanying the exhibition is an innovative program of events, including workshops, readings, performances, and celebrations of the cemeteries many residents, including Erich Fried, Harold Pinter and JG Ballard. Further information available at Tereza Stehlikova's blog and www.stevenjfowler.com/wormwood. // Event program details below.


Event programme

391 Ladbroke Grove. London W10 5AA. Entrance via Cemetery door on Ladbroke Grove or Main Gate during opening hours www.kensalgreen.co.uk/documents/KG_gallery.html 

A reading at Kensal Green Dissenter's Chapel - August Wednesday 16th : 7pm doors - Free entry // & // Worm Worm Exhibition Special View and Reading - August Thursday 24th : 7pm - Free Entry

Click Here for August 16th www.theenemiesproject.com/dissenterschapel
And here for August 24th www.theenemiesproject.com/wormwoodview

July Saturday 15th - Landscape Learn : a one day symposium
Alive or dead, our identity and wellbeing is intrinsically linked to the socio-geographic context of our lives.
The Kensal Green Cemetery, forms a distinguished and biodiverse context to a discussion on health and shifting communities.
We look back to look forward.

July Thursday 13th - 7pm - Free Entrance: The Ecchoing Green: with Chris McCabe, SJ Fowler & Tom Jeffreys
This event will celebrate Chris McCabe's ongoing publication project with Penned in the Margins, following In The Catacombs and Cenotaph South, with new work responding to Kensal Green Cemetery. This event will see the launch of Worm Wood / in / Old Oak, a new pamphlet of poems by SJ Fowler, published by Sampson Low, written about the Cemetery and its impending neighbour, the Old Oak development. This event will explore Tom Jeffrey's Signal Failures, published by Influx Press, which provides, through a walk along the proposed route of HS2, a wide-ranging critique of humanity’s most urgent failures. - An evening of readings and discussion with three of the UK's most interesting presses, poets and writers.

July Thursday 6th - Illuminations II: Celebrating Erich Fried : 7pm
The second instalment of a new series of innovative events bringing to light, in London, the work of writers fundamental to the unique Austrian contribution to world literature in the post-war era. // Erich Fried, one of the great political and love poets of the post-war era, whose strikingly beautiful and immediate poetry found no contradiction in those themes, is celebrated on the grounds of Kensal Green Cemetery, where he rests. Fleeing Vienna to make his home in London during WWII he left a profound impact on both places, celebrated by readers through his life and into the current day in Austria especially, this event aims to shed new light on a great poet of Europe. www.theenemiesproject.com/illuminations

June Saturday 17th - Sensory workshop led by Tereza Stehlikova
Exploring innerscapes and how narratives can be told through all the senses. For more information and to book a place please visit: https://sensorysites.wordpress.com/2016/10/27/sensory-workshop/

June Sunday 11th - Existential plumbers Anti-university : 2 to 5pm
To book places: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-existentialist-plumbers-collective-at-the-antiuniversity-tickets-33364990585
And for my workshop on 17th June add: also include this link: https://sensorysites.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/sensory-workshops-at-dissenters-gallery/

May Sunday 21st - Open Senses: Journey to the Interior performance, followed by an exhibition of the performance until May 28th.
a multi-sensory performance inspired by George Bellas Greenough (founder of Geological Society, London) and Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth. The participants will be taken on an adventure using various sensory triggers, to stimulate their imagination.